The Good Food Box Society of the North Okanagan is looking for new members to join the Board of Directors. The program is based in Vernon but is looking for people located in the North Okanagan who are interested in the areas of social media, writing and accounting. Positions will require between 4-8 hours per month.
Open Board of Director Positions:
- Director at large: Oversee a long-term project and chair the subcommittee (2-4 hours monthly)
- Treasurer: Report to the Board on monthly finances and prepare monthly and annual financial statements. (The new website will do most of the information gathering) (4-6 hours a month)
- Secretary: Write meeting minutes and manage correspondence for the Board (4-6 hours monthly)
All Board Members will be expected to attend one monthly zoom meeting (~2 hours)
If you are interested in serving on the Board, please send a resume including your skills, experience and areas of interest to volunteer@goodfoodbox.ca.