Wednesday, May 19th | 7 – 8:30pm | Zoom

In January we met with over a dozen local food processors —for industry updates and networking— and agreed that May would be a great time to reconnect. We had hoped to meet at the BX Cidery but alas, COVID is still very much with us.
Before the nice weather and long days call you away from the computer, we hope that you will plan to join us, along with the Small Scale Food Processors Association, on Wednesday May 19th at 7-8:30pm. Join via Zoom from the comfort of your home for a jam-packed agenda, including:
- Introductions
- Presentation from Kristina Bouris of Feed BC – sneak preview of the new Value Chain Innovation Service
- Ok/Shu listserv launch – for food processors across the Okanagan and Shuswap to connect more easily (outside of these gatherings)
- Regional updates – L2T projects, Salmon Arm Food Hub, Small Scale Food Processors Association
- Processor networking
Please get in touch with Liz at for the Zoom details. We look forward to seeing you then!