In Person Community Food Security Session
March 6th, 2024 | 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. PST
Schubert Centre, 3505 30th Ave, Vernon, BC V1T 2E6
As a valued member of the community addressing needs through food (including growing food and in some cases donating food), Land to Table (L2T) would like to invite you to the in-person 2024 Community Food Security Session on March 6th from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. PST at the Schubert Centre in Vernon. Lunch, coffee/tea, and snacks will be provided.
The purpose of this session
This Community Food Security Session is designed to offer an opportunity to reconnect in order to better understand the nuanced challenges and increased community need across the food security sector in the North Okanagan. At this gathering, we will share some of the projects L2T and the Regional Community Food Hub have accomplished in the last year, what we are working on, and exciting news for 2024-2025. We also hope to spark new project ideas, develop partnership opportunities, and discuss collaborative ways to address food security.
Aside from reconnecting in person and networking with fellow food system and food security folks, session participants can also expect to walk away with:
- A better understanding of how the Regional Community Food Hub is operating (and connection with organizations outside our region)
- Examples of coordinating capacity-building support that may be available to your organization.
- Ideas for project collaboration and resource sharing to fill gaps, reduce duplication, access local food, and improve regional food security together.
- A broader vision for how our region can work together to build food security rather than reactively responding to food insecurity.
If you have not already, RSVP by Wednesday, February 28, 2024 via this email with the names of who will be attending and any dietary restrictions/preferences folks have. Keep an eye on our event page for more event details. If you know someone else who might be interested in this work, please invite them and either RSVP on their behalf or ask them to do so directly.
Thank you for your hard work and time supporting community food security. We hope to see you for lunch and an afternoon of connection on March 6, 2024.