Eat Think Vote 2021: North Okanagan-Shuswap Online Food Forum

On Sept. 17th, we hosted the 2021 Eat Think Vote: North Okanagan Online Food Forum. The event featured four out of five federal candidates, as well as panelists representing agriculture, Indigenous and food insecurity perspectives.

We had a great turnout, with 42 participants (including candidates and panelists). And, we made history as being the very first online Eat Think Vote event!

All in all, it was a great opportunity to hear from a number of different people, from different sectors in our community, about the significant (and long lasting) impacts that COVID and this last summer of heat and fires has had on our communities, farmers, s upply chains and food insecurity.

In case you missed the event, or want to hear the perspectives one more time, you can view the recording below.