Experts on Tap: Tips and Tricks for Exhibiting and Selling New Products

Experts on Tap: Tips and Tricks for Exhibiting and Selling New Products

Event Recap, Events, Featured News
Tuesday, March 8th, 2022 - We held a live, online discussion with industry experts to help producers elevate their businesses and gain new listings and retail opportunities. The panel offered tips and tricks for exhibiting and preparing for upcoming events, including the Local Food & Buyers Mixer (March 18th, 2022) and the 9th Annual Cheese! It's a Natural Festival (March 19th, 2022) in Armstrong. 2024 Update: Check out the (rebranded) 2024 The Big Cheese! event featuring industry-only Food and Buyer Expo and Experts on Tap workshops on Friday, April 5th, 2024 and Local Food Festival open to the general public on Saturday, April 6th, 2024. Learn more at If you missed this event or want to listen to the experts one more time, check out the highlights and the…
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Eat Think Vote 2021: North Okanagan-Shuswap Online Food Forum

Eat Think Vote 2021: North Okanagan-Shuswap Online Food Forum

Event Recap, Events
On Sept. 17th, we hosted the 2021 Eat Think Vote: North Okanagan Online Food Forum. The event featured four out of five federal candidates, as well as panelists representing agriculture, Indigenous and food insecurity perspectives.We had a great turnout, with 42 participants (including candidates and panelists). And, we made history as being the very first online Eat Think Vote event! All in all, it was a great opportunity to hear from a number of different people, from different sectors in our community, about the significant (and long lasting) impacts that COVID and this last summer of heat and fires has had on our communities, farmers, s upply chains and food insecurity. In case you missed the event, or want to hear the perspectives one more time, you can view the…
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Forum Reflections For a New Context

Forum Reflections For a New Context

Event Recap, Events
First of all, we hope this continues to find you safe and healthy! We are feeling very grateful to have held our forum early in the year. When we gathered in early February at the Splatsin Centre in Enderby to explore opportunities for increasing access to healthy local food, our 65 participants were moved and inspired by five interview panelists. The stories, messages and ideas of these five women, as summarized in the forum report, are even more poignant and important now. I am reminded of Rebecca’s words, sharing in the context of what food sovereignty can look like, inviting us to plant food on the borders of our property and inviting people to access this food as they need. Andrea spoke about supporting our local grocery stores who source…
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Good and Beautiful Food Brings People Together!

Event Recap, Events
Eva-Lena presenting her food system network map. Here’s a fact – food brings people together, especially good and beautiful food. At our open house event on October 29th we had nearly 80 people in attendance, all gathered around a table showcasing some of the best food grown or processed, and lovingly prepared in the North Okanagan. Seeing the joy and hearing the appreciation for the food on offer reminded us why we are doing the work of creating a food system network. Because gathering in this way stands to nourish us all. Over the evening participants made their way through the different stations learning about the work that L2T is doing to: grow the local food economy, improve the sustainability of our food system and increase access to local food.…
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Land to Table Open House Event

Event Recap, Events
You are cordially invite to the first Land to Table Open House event on October 29th, 6pm to 8pm at the Vernon Art Gallery. The evening will showcase Masters research findings by Eva-Lena Lang, including her map of the North Okanagan food system network. We are excited to host the network for an evening of mingling, sharing local goodies, food-map gazing and gathering your feedback regarding the L2T vision and goals. Come one, come all. The evening is at no cost to you and a good reason to be out after dark!
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