News Archive

Speaker Bio’s for “Building Shared Understanding of Food Access” at the 3rd Annual Forum

Events, Past Event
Land to Table's 3rd annual forum, Bridging Gaps: Exploring Local Food Access in the North Okanagan, will feature the following speakers in the "Building Shared Understanding of Food Access" session. Find out more about the event, agenda, and register here. Fresh Food in Schools: Melissa Jacobs, Teacher & Dawn Guenette, Seed to Plate Coordinator & Volunteer Dawn Guenette, also known as Gramma D at Kidston Elementary, has made cooking with kids an integral part of her life. Beginning with her career as an Early Childhood Educator she naturally took on the role of providing food for those in her care. It was part of the program from the start to ensure those she cared for were provided with good nutrition. She has brought her passion to elementary school cooking programs…
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Food Access…Exploring Gaps

L2T Updates, News
This is not news… we know that sufficient, safe and nutritious food is critical to the health and well-being of us all. Unfortunately, half a million British Columbians can't afford a basic healthy diet. This was outlined in the Food Costing in BC report (2017) and powerful infographic. Within the North Okanagan, home to around 85,000 residents, we know that 15 percent of people in our communities are low income, meaning their after-tax income is $22,460 or less. In the Interior Health region 14 percent of households’ experience food insecurity. Yet, low income is not the only factor affecting access to healthy local food in our region. It's evident that even though we live in a region of diverse and productive foodlands, food access is impacted by a wide range…
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Good and Beautiful Food Brings People Together!

Event Recap, Events
Eva-Lena presenting her food system network map. Here’s a fact – food brings people together, especially good and beautiful food. At our open house event on October 29th we had nearly 80 people in attendance, all gathered around a table showcasing some of the best food grown or processed, and lovingly prepared in the North Okanagan. Seeing the joy and hearing the appreciation for the food on offer reminded us why we are doing the work of creating a food system network. Because gathering in this way stands to nourish us all. Over the evening participants made their way through the different stations learning about the work that L2T is doing to: grow the local food economy, improve the sustainability of our food system and increase access to local food.…
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Land to Table Open House Event

Event Recap, Events
You are cordially invite to the first Land to Table Open House event on October 29th, 6pm to 8pm at the Vernon Art Gallery. The evening will showcase Masters research findings by Eva-Lena Lang, including her map of the North Okanagan food system network. We are excited to host the network for an evening of mingling, sharing local goodies, food-map gazing and gathering your feedback regarding the L2T vision and goals. Come one, come all. The evening is at no cost to you and a good reason to be out after dark!
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Researchers Seek Input to Strengthen Farm to Restaurant Connections

News, Regional News
Researchers from the Institute for Sustainable Food Systems, Kwantlen Polytechnic University are seeking public participation to help them understand the demand for local food in Okanagan restaurants. Through to the end of October, Okanagan residents are being asked to complete a 10-minute online survey about their preferences for local food in restaurants. The survey hopes to obtain information about the demand for local foods in restaurant meals, to strengthen the farm to restaurant supply chain and support the local food/farming sectors in the region. Participants who complete the survey will be entered to win one of five $100 gift cards to local restaurants. Those wishing to access the survey can do so at until Midnight on October 31st and are encouraged to share the survey with their networks. Survey…
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Salmon Arm Economic Development Society Wants To Hear From You!

News, Regional News
Salmon Arm Economic Development Society is assessing the feasibility of increasing agriculture processing and innovation in the Shuswap region by developing a Regional Food Hub. The Food Hub Feasibility Study which is currently underway, includes assessing the needs of local food producers and processors across all sub-sectors of agriculture in the areas of research, processing, food safety, training and education, storage, business development support programs, community kitchens and related required venues and equipment. If you are a food producer or processor, or a prospective food producer or processor, we would be grateful if you would take some time to share your knowledge and experience to help shape the outcome of this study. Please visit the survey link HERE.
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Community Futures North Okanagan supports food systems network

News, Regional News
How can we develop a local food system that is prosperous, environmentally sustainable and accessible? Even more, how can we go from talking about doing this, to making it happen? These are just some of the questions that have driven Land to Table, a network of partners committed to building a thriving local food network for the North Okanagan.  “Our idea is that if we have a well-connected and coordinated network inspired by a common vision and goals, together we can develop a food system that benefits so many in our region in so many ways,” says Liz Blakeway, coordinator, Land to Table.  Originally known as North Okanagan Food Systems Initiative (NOFSI), the network grew from handful of women rooted in the agricultural community who were committed to sustainable development…
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